Cristiane Flôres Bortoncello

Federal University of Health Sciences of Porto Alegre , Brazil

Title: Use of Cognitive-Behavioral Group Therapy (GCBT) for adolescents with OCD through a new treatment manual


Introduction: Obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) is a serious mental illness, being common in adolescence with a prevalence of between 2 and 3%. Evidence-Based Psychology (EBP) refers to the technique of Exposure and Response Prevention Therapy (ERP) as the first choice of treatment. However, in adolescents with mild and moderate symptoms, Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy (CBT) is considered the first choice of treatment with the use of pharmacotherapy in cases of moderate to severe symptoms. CBT can be delivered individually or in groups. Objectives: this presentation aims to present a manual of Group Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy (GCBT), recently developed in Brazil by the author, to treat adolescents with OCD. Methods: The main findings that support the manual will be presented, as well as the complexity of treating this age group, based on evidence and clinical experience. The specificities of the interventions will also be presented and how they can be major differentials in the treatment of these adolescents.

Results: The GCBT manual developed by the author showed excellent evidence of content validity, in terms of adequacy (Finn = 0.98) and relevance (Finn = 0.99), both on the specialists and adolescents’ analysis. Now, Brazilian professionals have this new protocol option in the country as a treatment possibility for this age group. Discussion: The manual has some advantages over other manuals available for the treatment of OCD. It is the only tool that has rigorously followed the steps suggested for the development of manuals and assessments in the health area, and it is the manual that provides the largest amount of time for parents/family members to participate in the sessions. The participation of family members contributes to greater effectiveness in the intervention with adolescents.


Psychologist (ULBRA). Master's degree in medical sciences: psychiatry (UFRGS). PhD in Health Sciences (UFCSPA). Specialist in Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy (INFAPA). Certified in Couple Therapy and specialized in Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy in childhood and adolescence (InTCC). Formation in Schema Therapy (WP). Intensive training in Dialectical Behavior Therapy (THE LINEHAN INSTITUTE, BEHAVIORAL TECH) and certification in Rational Emotive and Behavior Therapy / CBT - Primary Practicum by The Albert Ellis Institute, International Certification in Emotion-Focused Therapy Level 1 and 2 by TFE Brazil. Currently a clinical psychologist, and postgraduate lecturer at Wainer Psicologia, PUCRS (online) and Instituto VilaElo.