Uwe Spetzger

Klinikum Karlsruhe, Germany

Presentation Title:

Modern computer-assisted concepts for surgical simulation and education and hands-on training models in neurosurgery


Background: Realistic training concepts are necessary to enhance skillful cranial and spinal surgery. At present, we have a rapidly ongoing specialization in any field of modern surgical therapy and need adequate practical tools for the surgical training. Especially, due to an increased number of patients treated successfully by endovascular techniques, the younger generation has a reduced possibility for practical training in cerebrovascular microsurgery. However, highly complex aneurysms with a wide neck will remain and will be a challenge for neurosurgeons in the future. Due to these conditions, concepts and realistic models for the microneurosurgical training are mandatory for modern teaching and training.

Material and Methods: We present a set-up of computer-assisted simulation and training modalities for practical neurosurgical education, and demonstrate the use of Virtual-reality (VR) and Augmented-reality (AR) for simulation and planning of brain tumor surgery. Also, an easy but realistic “unbloody” training tool for a virtual ventricular drainage is shown. Additionally, different microsurgical in-vitro and in-vivo experimental hands-on training models will be demonstrated for experimental aneurysm clipping and microsurgical bypass surgery.

Results: Generally, all our demonstrated practical training tools could easily be integrated into an educational surgical curriculum and improve the skillful practical training. Especially, the interactive learning in the navigation-guided virtual ventricular drainage model creates more understanding of the surgical procedure and finally creates more safety for our patients. The microvascular training models are a prerequisite to start with this complex surgical manipulation of aneurysm clipping and bypass surgery and teaches the young residents the adequate handling of the instruments. 

Conclusion: The use of VR and AR simulation tools improve the practical education and training of young surgeons and enhance the safety of neurosurgical procedures in our daily routine. The microvascular in-vitro and in-vivo models are a perfect set-up for the advanced training of vascular neurosurgeons.


Uwe Spetzger is the Chairman of the Department of Neurosurgery, Klinikum Karlsruhe. Since 2008 he has been an active member of the Faculty of Computer Science, Humanoids and Intelligence Systems Lab - Institute for Anthropomatics and Robotic at the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT). He is 62 years old and received his medical degree in 1989 at the Medical Faculty University of Heidelberg, Germany. He passed the US American medical exam (ECFMG) in 1990. He started his neurosurgical training in 1990 at the Department of Neurosurgery Technical University (RWTH) Aachen and got his board certification of neurosurgeon 1996. In June 1999 he passed the European Examination in Neurosurgery (EANS). He is a member of multiple national and international medical societies and the Vice-President and Council Member of the International Society of Digital Medicine. He was President of the German Academy of Neurosurgery GANS 2019 – 21. In addition, He served from 2019 – 20 as managing director (CEO) of the Stadt. Klinikum Karlsruhe gGmbH.