Nataliia Pylypenko

Independent researcher, Switzerland

Title: Psychotherapeutic counselling in promoting personal development of clients with psychosomatic disorders


Psychotherapeutic counselling is seen as cultural learning in the context of personal growth for both client and counsellor. The process of personal development of the client is ensured by psychotherapeutic and neuropsycho-corrective techniques in counselling support. The combination of cognitive-behavioural psychotherapy, body-oriented  psychotherapy and client-centred psychotherape, and the replacement of pharmacotherapy with neuropsycho-correction restores sleep and performance in clients with psychosomatic disorders by 43 %. The psychotherapeutic technology of personal development has a model of wholeness (the interaction of mental, psychological, interpersonal and neuropsychological processes) and self-sufficiency (as a complex personal formation) of personality.


Nataliia Pylypenko, candidate of Psychological Sciences (Institute of  Psychology H. Kostyuka, Kyiv, Ukraine). Professional skills: Teaching psychological disciplines in higher education as a psychology teacher (17 years), conducting psychological consultations and trainings as a practical university psychologist (10 years), conducting scientific research and writing scientific articles (Ukraine). Since March 2022 and currently – independent researcher in Switzerland.