Izabela Sarzynska
University of Rzeszow, PolandPresentation Title:
The use of QEEG in the diagnosis of ADHD and planning EEG biofeedback therapy
Early diagnosis of ADHD is an important precondition for undertaking appropriate actions to mitigate specific symptoms and avoid various consequences related to attention deficit and hyperactivity. In diagnosing, it is necessary to take into account the objective and subjective symptoms of disorders. Here, an interview, observation, and psychological tests are also useful. Due to the difficulties in differential diagnosis related to various types of diseases, biological research is also important. Quantitative EEG (QEEG) is particularly helpful in making a diagnosis. The aim of the study was analysis of the usefulness of the QEEG method in diagnosing persons with ADHD, which is also the basis for planning supportive EEG biofeedback therapy. The research presents a case study, which includes an in-depth analysis of the QEEG results concerning five randomly selected children with ADHD. The QEEG assessment of children with ADHD shows repeated dependencies, the presence of high amplitudes of low-frequency waves – Delta, Theta, Alpha, and low amplitudes of high-frequency waves, compared to low-frequency waves.
Izabela Sarzynska is an engineer of Diagnostic Systems in Medicine, she graduated from the University of Rzeszów. She is currently studying Psychology and works at the University of Rzeszów as an engineering and technical assistant. She is interested in brain medicine, neurophysics, health education and psychology. She is constantly expanding her knowledge in the field of neuroimaging techniques, with particular emphasis on EEG and QEEG analysis and the study of neuronal processes occurring in the brain.