Devathasan Gobinathan Nair

Neurologist, Singapore

Presentation Title:

Locations of human memory and consciousness: A novel neuro-biological cum quantum-astro physics viewpoint


The locations of human memory (ROM) and consciousness remain a 7000-year enigma but numerous past views lack critical synthesis of modern physics and neuro-biological observations.

We, as material unrealised observers (matrix1), show by 4 simple “hardcore” physic experiments(exp.) with formulae emanating from a proposed 4 matrixes(M)-concept cum neuro-biological observations that human ROM memory is located extracranial in a waveform field-aura (in M2).  The limbic systems, medial temporal lobes and even cortex are only 2-way portals and RAM memory sites.  ROM memory, is stored as Quantum-coherent field as illustrated in Young’s double-slit exps1 and in the permanent magnet (exp.2). It cannot in the cortical mantle as given 1) in the Penrose-tubulin hypothesis because the brain is wet and warm, and instant decoherence takes place or 2) in the Bohm-Pribram non-engram holographic hypothesis (exp3) although the latter yields insights to these enigmatic locations. We argue it is stored exterior to our corpus in the “inert” dark matter field or quantum foam(M3), as illustrated in exp.2. 

Likewise, Consciousness is also located extracranial based on wise Vedic sayings related to a separate thinking heart-centre, out of body experiences, sagas of past life, savants, intuitive thoughts and numerous neuro-parasitology observations (the example discussed is the wasp/tarantula).  We extrapolate that the “structure” is located at the thoraco-abdominal junction and provide novel evidences using the Hologram model and glycerine ink exp 4.  There dwells a microscopic bit of the 4th matrix (Consciousness) which is not palpable or observable, attainable subjectively, luminous, reflective, sentient, and paradoxically our thought-mind is the virtual obverse.  Intelligence or wisdom is endowed discriminator arising genetically and links the 4th Matrix to the 1st or mind-body-ego complex which, if veiled from 4th Matrix or Consciousness, exists as a biological robot (global continuous amnesia). 

From M4 arises the mathematical formulae dealing with infinities, being non-Cartesian or Newtonian, and emanates the transcendental numbers like pi, natural log, several mathematical constants, Fibonacci series and Ramanujan’s mysterious algorithms. (M1 is Newtonian; M2 -Planck/Schrodinger; M3-substratum of bosons and malleable spacetime).  The 4th MATRIX or SUPER-CONSCIOUSNESS we constrain to surmise is the only Reality and Finality.


Devathasan Gobinathan Nair (FRCP, FAAN) is a Neurologist, semi-retired, with over 100 publications and abstracts in international journals. His innovative contributions and discoveries to Neurology and Medicine include use of Intravenous Immunoglobulin in Medicine (1985), aetiology of Parkinson’s disease (2015); aetiology of benign positional vertigo (2016), use of Nicardipine in treating White Matter Hyperintensities, sleep position disorders, use of ultrasound and rapid trans-magnetic stimulation in strokes and normal pressure hydrocephalus (2003). He specializes in Neuro-Sonology.